“The CWays Home training program is the most exciting experience of my life. My energy is waking up, where I live my life from is changing, and I am remembering my essence as it overflows with love. The support I have received has been essential. I am beyond grateful.”

A.T. Middlesex, VT ~ 2021

The CWays Home Guide of the Heart training program was established in 2018, offering a singlar opportunity to support your awakening into wholeness, of full loving presence. The course is unlike any other we have found, because you are being held with deep presence, care and love for 3 years, with someone who has thirty years of experience. Not only will you develop the skills and knowledge to be able too work with people in a diverse range of ways, your experiences will increase your capacity to love, to trust yourself, your community and the wisdom of Nature, and enhance your service on all levels of your being. 

The program uses a wide range of experiential processes that transform pain into pleasure, supporting your remberance of wholeness and the understanding that there is an end to past suffering. As we explore the application of botanicals, ancient and indigenous traditions, current scientific knowledge and spiritual awareness, you will gain a deep appreciation for the many ways Nature’s intelligence communicates with us.


APPLICATIONS We ask that only those people who can commit to the whole year consider applying as we focus on small groups and lots of individual attention. Learning processes are experiential and sequential, we cannot replace drop outs. Invitations and applications are sent out in January for classes starting early Spring.

Each applicant is assessed based on initial intake projects – a written questionnaire, and a creative project that reflects your visions and dreams. Health assessments are required as some processes can be physically and emotionally challenging. 

Contact Namae if you are interested in applying for the course and contact Allie if you have any logistical questions.


Some of the experiential processes we use can be very activating and stimulating. All attendees will share a medical, health and emotional assessment before the training begins.

Before each session or retreat, let Namae know if you:

  • have any contagious illness
  • are on ANY medications
  • are receiving treatment for ANY physical or emotional condition
  • are working with any other facilitators and what modalities you are using
It is also recommended there be no smoking, drinking alcohol or use of any other mind or emotionally altering substances immediately before, during or immediately after any sessions.


To read more about the values and principles, please read the Foundations of the Guide of the Heart Training ProgramThe training program offers a 3 -year course with various levels of experience and knowledge, with Home Group Membership available upon completion. Graduates will have access to ongoing  mentoring, reciprocal learning opportunities, referral program, support new trainees or co-teach this course. A detailed curriculum will be sent to you when you apply for the program.

LEARNING TO LEARN We have all suffered learning difficulties at some point in our lives, because of the intellect being more valued than the body’s experience and that of the heart. An essential component of this year’s training, is your awareness of the ways you have learned to learn, opening to more integral, playful learning experiences, to a greater lightness of Being, learning through pleasure, not just pain.

By first experiencing directly the exercises, processes and modalities, you learn to appreciate the intricacies of each experience, and what it takes for others to learn, before applying them with your clients and other people. This keep us connected to the potentials we all carry to find wholeness, and to expand and contract with your own rhythms. It supports you to create a resonate field go wisdom with your clients, and helps keep you humble in the face of such strong medicine.

TRAINING MANUAL You will receive a detailed training manual for each year, for your personal use only. The books are copyrighted so not to be replicated or distributed without Namae’s direct written consent. 

Because everything about the style of this program is designed to teach you how to show up in rituals and ceremonies and sessions, the training classes require that you listen carefully in the present, with shared gnosis with the people in front of you, rather than reaching for your phone or computer when guiding people

Additional assignments are created ad hoc, and if missed, you can contact fellow trainees to catch up. Classes may or may not be recorded for later viewing. The training  encourages deep personal connections and direct experience, rather than relying on mind and intellect or technology. The goal is to function in sessions without any technology.

INTEGRATION This is very deep transformational work. Your ability to implement all the teachings, the experiences, the processes and your shiny new intentions, requires adequate time to rest, deep regenerative sleep and adequate time to integrate. The quality of your sleep effects your capacity to remember.
The quarterly retreats finish mid afternoon on Saturdays to provide a quiet day or two afterwards to integrate more and reduce your travel stress. Plan on creating more flexibility in your schedule for your inner process as we proceed. Some of the homeplay assignments may need more time to feel your way through the work. We encourage you to find whatever additional mental health, emotional or physical services that will to support your integration on all levels.


We invite you to consider showing up for yourself by giving yourself enough time, to do everything you need to do before, during and after each training event. It can be challenging to meet the timing of experiential sessions and the online classes when you are deep in the emotional or spiritual realms. It is part of the developmental process to come out of whatever trauma you may carry around time, to meet punctually with the group and your teachers when sessions begin. This approach supports:

  • your awareness of your natural rhythms as opposed to your trauma induced relationship with time (always being late or early and frustrated by latecomers)
  • the development of your emotional agility
  • your self-care and self-regulation
  • respect and cohesion within your group

It is important to stay aware of the schedule as an act of group care and practice modulating deep experiences with oneself and in consideration of the needs of the whole group.

We are currently utilizing both Zoom and Signal apps. Give yourself plenty of time to work out your internet, sound equipment, any other technology issues, and the ways around both apps BEFORE you begin each online training segment. Further information will be provided about how to set up your online presence and your physical space when needed.

Trainees are invited to self-organize various study groups – book clubs, ecstatic dance groups, other areas of interest, and provide daily life support for each other. Participation in these extracurricular activities helps deepen your understanding of the knowledge presented and the dissolution of past patterns. It is so much easier to learn in community. Organizing your group will also show you just how challenging it can be to organize groups!

All trainees will be asked to sign a self-responsibility agreement with Namae, the the primary trainer for this course. The agreement repeats the need to maintain a mature, deep container, ensuring as much safety as possible. This means the acting out of destructive behaviors or crossing boundaries is preferably kept to a minimum and we agree to work with our ignorance, lack of awareness and traumas by taking our triggers and reactions into sessions. 

This agreement emphasizes the need for confidentiality, and self awareness and honesty, essential qualities in this work. If participants feel incapable of maintaining their agreements, they will discuss this with Namae as it happens, rather than signing the form as a per-functionary duty. The invitation with this training is for everyone to become fully responsible for the consequences of their actions, to grow into mature loving, natural human beings.

“I knew that this training program would change the course of my entire life, and I threw myself wholeheartedly into this course and this path.  The options that this program gave me, and the safe space to stay the course when all my resources were obliterated, are not something I can adequately express my gratitude for in words. 

I am deeply committed to energetically paying it forward to the current and future generations and hope I can bring the kind of light and hope to others that this community brought to me. Thank you from every part of my soul.”

~ M.F.  Idledale, CO ~ 2022

“Every day, every minute,
every breath,
is a gift.”