retreat preparations

If you are dedicating a significant amount of time, money and energy into doing an intensive retreat, a little preparation is in order. Please read all of this post.

Please make sure that you send us

  • your travel plans, and keep us up to date if you get delayed
  • the health assessment if you have not completed on in the last 12 months
  • your signed Agreements form
  • your intentions for the retreat
  • confirm any dietary restrictions or food or other allergies
  • read taking care of yourself before and after sessions.

The address of the retreat location and directions will be sent to you. Note: Lyft and Uber drivers often will not come to our out of the way property in Portland. Let us know if you need transfers.

Your psyche will expand to fill the available space and every time you reach out for outside stimulation, you are limiting how deep your psyche can unwind. I invite all of you, to turn your devices off after you arrive, and leave them off until you complete all the rituals.  I am happy to receive and pass on messages if you want to give a family member my phone number, and if you need to check on family, only check what is absolutely vital.
There are such massive shifts that happen in these experiences, to your brain chemistry, your body and to your feelings. For the duration of the ritual days, do not add in any other mind/body/heart altering substances or tobacco. Especially watch your sugar/stimulant cravings. If you need to smoke, do so at the end of the day so that you can track your process without upping your dopamine levels.
If this is your first time with us, read What Happens in Sessions and Intensive Retreats.


  • Eye mask
  • Ear plugs if sharing a room
  • Non-breakable water bottle
  • Your journal
  • Blanket and pillow for sessions if in a location other than Portland
  • Unscented toiletries  
  • Comfortable, layered clothing, light wind or rain jacket, light walking shoes
  • FOR BREATHWORK: set of queen sized sheets, including top and bottom sheets and one pillow case
  • FOR RETREATS IN PORTLAND: bring a stone or crystal to place in the labyrinth to integrate and anchor your experiences with the land and our community
  • FOR EVERYONE: Bring an open heart, or at least a willingness to open your heart. By doing this work you are choosing Life, so embrace this adventure.

Check out The Home in Oregon for more information on what is provided and what you need to pack.


This will be a fragrance free home, for a number of reasons. Smell is the most primal and powerful of our senses and we are creating an environment here where you can return to your natural self.

Scents that smell lovely to you can be another person’s trauma trigger. Fabric softeners and other cosmetic and consumer products contain toxic adhesives that make the fragrance stick to everyone’s clothing, on luggage, furnishings and in our lungs when we breathe it in. Please no fabric softened clothing or other fragrances, including essential oils. If I detect scents on your clothing or person, I may ask you to wash it off before the rituals.

If you have symptoms of any contagious illness, please check in with us before you arrive. We usually ask that you reschedule your visit rather thanks sharing it around.

the hee-bee-gee-bees

There are many feelings that come up for people as we near this kind of deep transformation, especially if you have not done this with us before. That turbulence is natural, I call it the “heebeegeebees”. It’s a new environment, with new faces, you are not sure what will happen, you do not even know where to lay your head. That’s a lot of novelty. You only have to do OK in this circumstance as there is so much newness, you do not need to do everything well or perfectly! Let go of your expectations. Know that all the folks coming are dedicated to this work and are seeking the same heart felt experience we all cherish. Find your rhythm, give yourself time alone as well as time with folks and to be immersed in the beautiful landscape. You will be taken care of really well, and if there is anything you need, please ask us.


Think about the constraints you may experience upon your return home. It can sometimes take days, weeks, even years to fully integrate deeply transformative experiences, so where you can be gentle with yourself. 

If you can, organize taking an extra day off work or plan a light schedule when you get back. Your psyche will expand to fit the available space for the work, and when we dive straight back into our old lives, it can diminish how much you remember, how much you can integrate. Your psyche will integrate more if you do not have immediate intense travel, work or relationship “stuff”. 

If the retreat has been particularly intense, get some bodywork, acupuncture or somatic experiencing work to help you align with the new energies you have opened up. No matter how busy you might think Namae is, please reach out to her if you have questions or continue to feel unsettled after any retreat.
