sacred sexuality

SUMMARY: Coming home to our true sensual nature brings us into a realm of consciousness beyond our body and mind and into our hearts. In this state, we can learn to trust and surrender ourselves to receive the energetic low of sexual passion and intimacy.

“Tantra is not technique but a prayer.
Is not head oriented but a relaxation into the heart.
Love is surrender.”
~ Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh


We are by nature, sexual creatures, our bodies designed to detect every nuance of pain, every potential for pleasure, every sensual stimulus. The awakening of the sacredness of sexual energy is a process of returning to this awareness, your true Nature.

The most sexual experience you will ever have is when you are born. Just think of where you actually were, inside your mother’s skin, where and how you came out. During those formative hours of birth, you experienced massive surges of energy, contraction and releasing, with intense levels of pain and surrender. It is these same rhythms we experience when we are making love and our capacity for pleasure, for sustained orgasmic release is directly related to how much you can let go, on all levels.

If your birth was unhindered by medical interventions, trauma or crisis, you will have also experienced the profound transformation of all that pain into incredible pleasure and bliss as you slid out of your mother’s body into the loving embrace of your new family.


It is this  quintessential initiation that lays down the foundations of your sensual and sexual desires and responses, patterns most people do not know even exist. We know from over 50 years of research that the baby is aware of all that happens during birth but that we go unconscious in the overwhelm. We also know that altered states of consciousness occur in the baby (and often the mother) during this incredibly intense experience. It is the most fundamental initiation of our lives.

These states open us to awareness beyond the body and mind, in the realms of consciousness we call transpersonal, sacred and mystical. When the birth is natural, we struggle, we fight, we surrender and we flow with this vast array of feelings, energies and experiences, ending up resting on our mother’s breast. There,  pleasure suffuses every cell of our body as we suckle and are nourished, where we can rest and integrate all that has happened, stabilizing all the systems within our body. Sensual pleasure then becomes Home. That state of rest allows the sacred to settle consciously within our bodies and hearts.


In the complicated world we live in, birth is not treated as a sacred initiation and as a consequence,  sexuality is seldom revered and expressed in a sacred manner. It is more genitally, outwardly focused, based on competition, instant gratification and objectification. We have been programmed in so many ways to repress, distort, confuse and mimic sexual beliefs and behaviors that do not align with our inherently beautiful animal natures. This is not natural.

Sexual and sensual trauma is rampant in our culture now. The lack of respect, compassion and sensitivity to each other, the incredible impact we have on young children, and vulnerable teenagers is a cause for despair for many people. Lacking awareness of our own energy patterns, the ways we unconsciously leak negativity and need, unconsciously imposing confused sexual signals to others; we are ignorant of the damage our own unmet needs have on ourselves and others. Despite the plethora of ways we long for love, most people suffer from a deep inability to trust and to actually receive love and care, let alone surrender to the natural flow of sexual energy and ecstatic states of deep intimacy.


Our world is governed by dualistic forces – daylight and night time, heat and cold, north and south, stillness and movement. It is this dance of dualities that is natural, a multiverse of conscious expression that recognizes the sacredness of all forms of love and honors the dual nature within us all. Learning to play with these essential forces is a lifetime commitment to Love and the unification of Self.

There are a myriad of pathways, both ancient and innovative, that restore us to our natural human selves where we can freely enjoy being an aroused state of Being. The most potent pathways of sacred sexuality teachings encompass a wide range of development:- feelings and  beliefs, physical flexibility, sexual techniques,  knowledge, awareness of energies as well as transpersonal and transcendent spiritual experiences.


Tantra is a weaving together of many kinds of polarities. It’s not so much about gender and sex as it is about the quality of the energy being shared and how it is consciously embraced and moved. Simple to masterful, complex practices create structures that identify, separate and move these forces to create attraction. This is the masculine side of tantra that is well known and easy to access.

Tantra also generates conscious electromagnetic fields that open up profound feelings and emotions, everything from locked feelings from past hurts to pleasure and absolute love. This is the feminine art form that purifies the personality, ignites the spirit and allows the full expression of the soul.

Learning how to separate out the energies of giving and receiving,  magnifies the polarities and generates attraction and sexual passion. But it is in the deepest states of relaxation that the greatest pleasures and spiritual openings generally occur. As you let go of tension, your blocks to emotional intimacy and fears of ecstasy, you find yourself surrendering to your intelligent animal body, to the wisdom of your own life-force, that place where you are so present that every breath, every movement becomes an experience of profound connection.

Learning to dance with the dualities of life in an ever-changing landscape of experience is challenging. It is the perfect place to practice the art of sacred sexuality. It requires focus within oneself and on the other, on the energetic forces that can create extraordinary sexual, loving experiences. At the same time, you develop the capacity to embrace the negativity – the beliefs and behaviors that destroy your dreams, limit your experience and disconnect you from love.


Most of us truly do not know what we are capable of, especially when it comes to pleasure. When liberated, the creative life force flows through the sexual center of the body and permeates the entire body and soul, entrancing you with the wonder of your vitality, excitement, your essential beauty and genuine love.

As this spills over into your partner and into your life, there is a profound homecoming, a rightness within as the dualities unify into conscious love.

This is the quality of love that permanently heals emotional wounds and liberates you from suffering. It opens the doors to the transpersonal relationships with Beings of much greater complexity than humans – archetypes, nature spirits, elementals, Gaia and other spiritually potent Beings who genuinely care for humanity.

Pleasure such as this is your birthright. It is innate but most likely buried underneath conditioning, fear and ignorance. We really do not have the education to be able to make love in a transcendent way, to be able to experience the true freedom of love.


In the tantric traditions, there are four primary forms of sexual relationships. There is sex without love, the lusty animal rut, with or without care. There is the opposite: love without sex, the celibacy of the body generating love everywhere else. There is sex with love, always yumm, and then there is the tantric marriage, which includes all the other three plus the awakened divine. All are considered of equal value.

When all these fields unify, we experience Atma Prema, unconditional Self love. This is where we no longer experience love as something that we give or receive, something we have or long for; it is where we become love. It is a non-duel state of exquisite clarity and integrity, a place of unity. It is the essential Self, the core of love that exists at the center of all of us.

Sacred sexual practices and pathways lead directly to Atman Prema. To get there, you just have to become what you already are. Using tantric and other sexual practices to remember that, is one of the most natural, astonishing, beautiful and intelligent modes of remembrance. Love itself will teach you.

“If you cannot face directly into your sexuality,
you will never discover your true spirituality.
Your earthly spirit leads to discovering your heavenly spirit.
Look at what created you to discover what will immortalize you.”
-Hsi Lai

There is some kiss we want with our whole lives,
the touch of Spirit on the body.

Seawater begs the pearl to break its shell.

And the lily, how passionately it needs some wild Darling!

At night, I open the window and ask the moon to come and press its face against mine.
Breathe into me.

Close the language-door, and open the love-window.

The moon won’t use the door, 
only the window

— Rumi