These modules are designed for anyone in the community who is interested in studying and experiencing the module topic, people wishing to enhance their facilitation skills and for trainees wishing to sign up to meet the prerequisite for the 3 year Guide of the Heart Training Program.


  • The Online Module only (includes two group Zoom calls, a video and homeplay) is $500
  • The optional in person Ritual experience is $450-$900 (based on your contribution tier) plus meals/accommodations. It includes a full day Ritual plus 2-4 hours of dynamic integration the next day.
  • The October Module offers the optional experience as a single day Online Ritual, held in conjunction with the Guide of the Heart Training Groups, for $450.

Love TooFebruary 10February 16Feb 17/18Jamaica Plain
TBAAugust 25August 31Sep 7/8New York
TBAOctober 13October 20October 27 Online
TBANovember 23November 30Dec 14/15Portland


Each module has 2 online dates that bookend a minimum of 6 hours of experiential study, followed by a ritual. The Rituals may be in person (held in various locations) or an online  held in conjunction with the Guide of the Heart trainees.


  • You will receive an hour long video about the topic before the first the Module begins.
  • At the first 1 hour group Zoom call, we will meet each other and discuss the video content. You will be given practices and homeplay for the following week, to be done individually, in pairs and as a whole group. The minimum amount of homeplay time for that one week is 6-8 hours to engage in the recommended practices. Your learning is directly related to the amount of time and presence you bring to the practices, the more time you dedicate, the deeper your integration of the topic in your life.
  • During that week, there will be text support if you have any questions about the practices. You are encourage to be in community with the group as you do the practices.
  • A week later, there will be a 2 hour group Zoom call to share what you learned, to process what happened for you, to integrate and discuss next steps.

Attendance at both Zoom calls is required and, if you cannot attend both Zoom calls, please defer to another module at a later date.


The online classes are meant to be followed up with the in person ritual experience the following weekend. During the Ritual, you will be able to dive in deep into the content, explore how it relates to your personal process and with your service in the world. The modules are an experiential learning process, so whilst the Ritual is optional, it is strongly suggested you attend the whole program, including the in person portion.

 (3) ONLINE RITUAL (with the Guide of the Heart trainees)

For those seeking a less costly Ritual experience at the end of the module, you can join the two online Ritual with the Guide of the Heart Trainees. You will enjoy some herbal supplements to help you shift consciousness, a one hour introductory class to explore the theme more deeply, then pair up with someone in the group. In supervised breakout rooms, one person will sit in presence, holding the other person through their experience, then we come back to integrate. We reverse roles in the afternoon and close the ritual with another integration session.


This is deep work, and may elicit strong emotional, physical or spiritual reactions. It is strongly recommended that you allow for a light work day or extra time after these retreats when you can rest, to continue the integration process if you need it. The knowledge you learn is only as relevant as yours capacity to experience and apply the new information. Your personal process is critical to this spiritual process. Follow up with Namae if you need any further integration. 


For those interested in training, these modules demonstrate the many creative ways of designing experiences for people and give you access to relevant media. They encourage you to internalize spiritual and emotional consciousness altering knowledge by doing the processes initially with yourself, and then with your cohort, before you work with anyone else. 

These modules qualify as the required experience with Namae prior to submitting an application for the 3 year Guide of the Heart training program. They will count as training hours towards that certification. Please check out the values and principles of the  program here.

Module topics are by demand, whatever is most relevant for your cohort. Please check which modules you wish to attend or any other topics that interest you on the contact us page.


  1. Self Care
  2. Creating Safe, Sacred Space
  3. Creating Themes
  4. Music and media in Rituals, Ceremonies & Breathwork
  5. Presence & Tracking Experiences
  6. Integrations
  7. Groups & Hosting Events
  8. Meditations


  1. Shifting Perception
  2. Nature’s Intelligence
  3. The Nature of Love
  4. Shame, Guilt & Trust
  5. Sacred Sexuality
  6. Grief
  7. Creativity
  8. Shadow & Vulnerability
  9. Birth & Rebirth
  10. Transpersonal Realms & Symbols
  11. Emotional Release Counseling
  12. Wholeness & Regeneration

(3) ANY OTHER TOPICS?  Please let us know.


We can not solve our problems 

with the same level of thinking that created them. 

The most beautiful experience we can have is of the mysterious. 

It is the fundamental emotion that stands 

at the cradle of true art and true science.” 

– Albert Einstein

Altered states traditionally have been created through meditation, breathing techniques, herbal supplements, prayer, fasting, sensory deprivation, sexual practices, dance and bioenergetic movements, endurance sports, drugs, light, electronic mind-altering technologies and even just pure oxygen. These modules utilize a variety of these technologies.
When we change the state of our consciousness from our ordinary, fixed mindset reality and open to the novelty, beauty and diversity of altered states, we can learn how to de-identify from past ideals and identities and shift into a more accurate perception of the reality of daily life. We strip away the filters of addictive past behaviors, perceptions and beliefs and begin to experience life as it actually is, rather than as we think it is.
This mobility of conscious awareness gives us access to novel solutions to old situations, supports the permanent healing of trauma and returns us to a state of wholeness. When we change the state of our consciousness, we can open to a much deeper understanding of what it means to become a natural human being and it is from this place of awareness that we create the most innovative, practical and generous solutions to our problems.


The modules are for both for the community and those wishing to train as facilitators.

This program is suitable for:

  • the community, anyone interested in the topic
  • practitioners, artists and guides
  • those wishing to extend their experience of assisted psychotherapy and non-ordinary states practices
  • service orientated people – nurses, midwives, hospice carers and religious community leaders, sacred sexuality practitioners, first responders, environmental and social innovators, teachers, all seekers of wisdom and love.
  • anyone who wish to learn how to live and/or guide from their heart.

For community members: These modules offer an intimate space for you to do some specific work with Namae, be in community and explore specific topics in depth for 10 days, in a very cost effective format. You work at your own pace doing as much or as little of the practices as suits you, either alone or with the group.

For trainees: This is a course demonstrates altered states experiential facilitation processes. The modules are designed to complement the many science and knowledge based and regulatory training programs that are already widely available. It is recommended that you attend at least one such course before applying for this program or at least have a basic understanding go what those courses offer.  


There are certain medical, emotional and spiritual conditions that make this program too challenging or may not supportive of your safety and that of others. You will be doing strongly energetic practices at home, without someone physically with you, and you may activate traumatic responses. If this is the case, we will talk about more gentle options. 

This program is not suitable for people who: 

  • currently have, or have a history of, certain mental illnesses or a history of psychotic episodes or or strong suiciidal ideation.
  • have no emotional agility, underdeveloped emotional maturity or lack any ability to self regulate their emotional expression.
  • do not wish to learn how to let go of their ordinary world identities.
  • do not have any spiritual beliefs or appreciation for, or belief in, the life in the unseen realms and the multidimensional realities that open up in experiences. If you are extremely logical, this may not be the best initial program for you.
  • have no experience of altered states. There are preliminary programs we offer if this is the case for you.

“Every day, every minute,
every breath,
is a gift.”