NB: Bookings close 2 weeks before each gathering.

These community shamanic breathwork retreats are offered to anyone who wishes to transform the ground of their being. Come to as many days as you need, all 4 days or just one, plus integration (which is NOT optional). You may stay here or close by, or return home if you are local. Shamanic breathwork offers a very safe, sacred space to release trauma, activate the lifeforce, experience ecstasy and awaken loving consciousness. It returns us to a state of wholeness, a state of deep understanding of what it means to be a natural human being. Read more about the breathwork process here.


There are many reasons for this:

  • Smell is the most primal and powerful of our senses. The work is designed to awaken your senses and open your sensitivity to others and the environment and assist you to return to your most natural state of being.
  • Manufactured fragrances included in a vast array of consumer products, aggressively adhere smells to surfaces, clothing, skin, and our lungs when we breathe them in. Who wants that in their lungs?
  • Scents that smell lovely to you can be another person’s trauma trigger.
  • Often the scent wearers nose becomes desensitized to the fragrance, and people often have no idea how strong their scents are.
  • Fabric softeners in particular, contain toxic adhesives that make the fragrance stick to everyone’s clothing, on luggage, furnishings, carpets, everyone and everything they touch. Please, especially no fabric softened clothing or sheets. Try wool dryer balls to reduce static.
  • Other fragrances added to makeup, hair, skin and personal products rub off on people when they hug you.
  • Please skip the garlic and any other odiferous foods before you arrive.
  • I am super sensitive to all smells. It’s both a blessing and a curse. It certainly is not fun to have to bathe after hugging you. If I detect scents on your clothing, sheets, or person, I may ask you to wash it off before sessions.

Please, no essential oils, other than those used for anointing, check your hair and skin products and ensure your clothing contains no fabric softeners. Please use the deodorants,  shampoos, lotions and cosmetics provided if yours contain any scents.


In addition to your personal travel items, please bring the following to breathwork:

  • Your own  top and fitted bottom queen sized sheets, pillow slip and hand towel for sessions.
  • eye mask
  • non-glass water bottle
  • journal
  • your own art materials if you wish
  • small bottle of sandalwood or frankincense oil
  • crystal or stone (from our garden) to place in the labyrinth


Your psyche will expand to fill the available space and every time you reach out for outside stimulation, you are limiting how deep your psyche can unwind. I invite you all, to turn your phone off after you arrive here, and leave it, and your computer, off until you complete all the breathwork sessions.  I am happy to receive and pass on messages if you want to give a family member my phone number, and if you need to check on family, only check what is absolutely vital. I know it can be seriously challenging to unplug from our phone/technology addictions, but it is only for 4 days. When you need to check in for flights and arrange travel, “attempt” do so without checking emails and other apps until you finish integration. You will need to bring your phone to photograph the sandplay.


Health assessment forms will need to be submitted by all attendees before arrival, unless you have completed one within the last 12 months. If you are on ANY medications or you’re receiving treatment for any physical or emotional condition, please let me know before the retreat. Given the depth and sensitivity of experiences it is also recommended there be no smoking, drinking alcohol or use of any other mind or emotionally altering substances immediately before, during or after sessions. For those needing cigarettes and tobacco, I suggest you refrain until the end of the day so that you do not mitigate your experiences on the mat, and do not bring the smell of smoke into the room.

There are such massive shifts that happen in breathwork, to your brain chemistry, your body and to your feelings. For the duration of the breathwork session days, do not add in any other mind/body/heart altering substances. Especially watch your sugar/stimulant cravings.


There is a reciprocity in breathwork that deeply nourishes the balance within us. Each person pairs up, one person ‘breaths’ and the other is trained to sit in presence. After lunch we reverse roles. We all get to be of service as we change the space around for each session and care for our breathers. This balances the intensity of the experiences that arise while breathing, allowing you to give gift of presence back too your partner. Karma Yoga, the waking meditation to embrace the Beloved within, is an integral part of breathwork as we restore the space after each session and as we care for our breathers.


At the end of each session, you will be offered the space to draw a mandala, to express your experience and your imagery of the energies you have awoken. It is not about drawing, or how you perform as an artist. Your mandalas become a valuable historical and developmental record of your experiences and a powerful way to activate your new levels of consciousness through the symbols, colors and associated memories. Materials will be provided.


At the end of every day, we will spend some time doing active integration processes, designed specifically for what has happened in the group that day. At the end of the retreat, each person will do a sandplay to integrate their experience and envision and apply what they have learned. We will also walk the labyrinth with the Elementals of this forest as our guides and witnesses. Bring a stone or crystal to anchor your transformational gifts and your loving presence amongst all the other community stories now inhabiting the circle.

This is very deep transformational work. Your ability to implement all the teachings, the experiences, the processes and your new shiny intentions, all this requires that you allow adequate time to rest and integrate. It is strongly recommended that you consider having a quiet day or two after you arrive back home, especially if you are traveling long distances.

For further information see Breathwork.



See the events booking page to sign up.

NB: Bookings close 2 weeks before each gathering.


Please read the cancellation policy. Payment plans and useful trade agreements may be available. If you wish to pay above full price, your extra payment can be claimed as a taxable donation to CWays Home and will assist others to participate.

The $333 deposit is non-refundable. This goes towards our administration costs. There will be no refunds if you choose to leave during the retreat. We will fully refund all deposits should there be any cancellations due to weather or changes made by CWays Home. Wherever possible, we will do what we can to ease your journey.

“Every day, every minute,
every breath,
is a gift.”